Fire frightens us and entices us, often at the same time. We saw fires burning on the TV news this past week. And this morning we speak of a biblical story in which the fire of the Spirit came down from heaven to dwell in the lives of disciples on a day called Pentecost. We, too, have received that flame. We, too, have a light to offer the world. We, too, are the people of Pentecost. Today, no matter is going on in the world… or maybe because of it!… let us worship the God who has made us one with him and each other through his indwelling Spirit.
Today’s service includes, first, a greeting from our awesome worship team! It’s so good to see their faces and hear their unsung words of greeting and encouragement to us! And then they lead us in worship… join along… and sing with the Spirit in your soul. Go then to a short, upbeat video titled “Pentecost: Everything is New” and from there to Jo Ann and Tony’s message for us. How does Jesus transform us? Jesus “conflagrates”. He sets our souls on fire! The service ends with a blessing, and then you’re welcome to join the conversation in the Virtual Foyer or learn about “Hope in Hard Times” in our adult Bible class.
A message from our worship pastor, Shawn Erb:
It’s been 11 weeks. We thought you might miss seeing our faces 🙂 Check out this personalized greeting video from the worship teams to you. Then watch the worship set video to worship along with us. There is a power song in the middle called “The Blessing”, a song that is very relevant for all of us in these current times.
Introductory Video
Closing Blessing

Virtual Foyer
We welcome you to join some friendly faces in the virtual foyer! Drop in any time between 11:00 – 11:30 AM on Sundays.