Classes and Events

For the Following Classes and Events, Registration is Open

Adult Class

New adult class to begin on Sunday, January 19, 2025
Two of our long-time Hosanna members, Elvin Brandt and Holly Allen, will together offer a four-week adult class on “Discovering the Evidence for Creation and the Flood,” beginning January 19, following the worship service. They’ll present a young earth and global flood perspective of God’s earliest creative acts.


Adult Class Sign Up


Women’s Fellowship Group

All women of Hosanna!, their friends and neighbors, or members of the community at large are invited to attend. Devotions and prayer will be shared at each meeting. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month. If you have questions, please contact Maryanne Diemer at (717) 371-4822, or use the Registration Form.
Women’s Fellowship will be meeting at the home of Sandy Cobes on Wednesday, February 5, from 1 – 3pm. Please meet at the church to carpool.

For the Following Classes, Registration is Requested

Spiritual Formation Groups

Our spiritual formation groups will begin again the beginning of October.
Group Spiritual Formation is a small group of people meeting together with a Spiritual Director to listen deeply to one another, and to help each other be aware of God’s presence in their lives, and what God is doing in their lives.

If you are interested in being a part of a group, sign up below. All we need to know is when you’d like to participate, during the day or evening.
If you participated in a group the last time, and want to do so again, you can sign up for the same group or sign up for a new group.

Spiritual Direction Signup

Select Day or Night
If you participated in a group before, please select below:

Financial Planning Webinars: