What a wonderful opportunity we’ve been given this year to see for ourselves that what we believe is really true… that we can actually live it in a time when the world seems topsy-turvy, as Rick McKinney put it last week. The life of the Spirit given at Pentecost is indeed for real, and today we explore what it means for us as ordinary people in extraordinary times.
That’s what Jo Ann and Tony’s encouraging message addresses. Before going there, however, rest your weary soul or anxious mind by remembering and worshipping the God who is Present. After the message, be inspired by the “This Little Light” video.
Speaking of being inspired, we have a special treat today! We have put together a tribute to all of our graduates this year, led by our Youth Pastor Jared Kunz. As always, you’ll also find a link to today’s Virtual Foyer, this week’s bulletin, and the message in hard copy. If you didn’t see it last week, you might be interested in our phased-in approach to re-opening our building. And thanks, as always, for your extraordinary giving!
Additional Service Resources
Video: This Little Light
Congratulations, Class of 2020!
Virtual Foyer
We welcome you to join some friendly faces in the Zoom virtual foyer! Drop in any time between 11:00 – 11:30 AM on Sundays.