Questions and Queries
Sundays in October at 11:15
This series invites you to bring your questions about God to ponder together in a discussion format. Those questions might include things like…
- How much of what’s going on in the world does God actually control?
- Does God truly see the future? If so, why doesn’t he do something about it?
- What’s God’s plan for the end times? When will that be?
- What are heaven and hell? Does God really send people to hell?
- How does this trinity thing really work and why does it matter?
No question is “too stupid” or “too far out there.” Bring them on! Tony will facilitate the discussion, will refer to some biblical passages when needed, and may report on how other Christians have answered these questions. But the goal is not to find a one-size-fits-all definitive answer, but leave that to you and the Holy Spirit to conclude for yourself. Sign up today!
Spiritual Abuse
August 8 – September 12
A new adult class, beginning Sunday, August 8, will focus on spiritual abuse. The class will meet from 11:15 – 12:15 PM through September 12 (excepting Labor Day weekend), both online and in-person in the Fellowship Hall, and will be led by Jo Ann Kunz. Sign up to join us for this class!
Together Again: A Writing Reunion of the Hosanna Community
Wednesdays, June 30 – August 4
This class will be held on six Wednesday evenings, 7:00 to 9:00 pm from June 30-August 4. We’ll meet in person and online (Zoom) to write about our experience of isolation and reuniting, re-establishing a sense of belonging as a church community. Writing experience is not necessary. Bring a desire to explore reunion and spirituality in community and expect to be nourished by a group who longs to see and feel God’s presence in one another. This class will be led by Jane Clark. Sign up to join us for this class (available online and in person)!
Big Picture Bible: A Survey of the Biblical Story
April 11 – May 23
Most of us know snippets of the Bible… some stories, some sayings, some verses… but not necessarily how they connect. How does Moses relate to Abraham, and Abraham to Jesus? What are all those short books at the end of the Old Testament? Why do we have an “old” testament to begin with? This class provides a “Big Picture” overview of the Bible, told as a single story… the Big Story, from beginning to end, so we can see how the pieces fit together, and why it matters. Sign up to join us this class (available online and in person).
The Gift of Being Yourself
January 10 – March 8 from 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM, led by Tony Blair and Jo Ann Kunz
Being yourself is a gift!… to you, others, and even God! But most of us don’t fully believe that, or are not yet living fully out of the joy that truth means.