A Community With A Cause

Hosanna! is a Community with a Cause

We are committed to building a contemporary biblical community in the midst of a modern day world.

  • A community that tells the real story about Jesus Christ in a way that makes a real difference in people’s lives.
  • A community where teaching is transformational.
  • A community where relationships are honest, open and genuine.
  • A community where people can be themselves as they build each other up, help each other out, and get each other through.
  • A community where kids and youth are valued by caring adults.
  • A community where everyone knows how much they matter to God.
  • A community that reaches beyond its own four walls into a hurting world that is dying to know the One who literally loved them to death.

Hosanna! is a community that refuses to settle for status quo religion.  We don’t want to do church – we want to be the church. We are a community with a cause – to change the world one life at a time.  And we invite you to join us.