Adult Connections

Home and Other Small Groups

We reflect God’s heart when we are in relationship with each other.  We live our lives with the joys of “one another” by creating safe places where folks meet to form intentional, authentic relationships….safe spaces where grace abounds and where we forgive each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, and stand with each other and carry each other’s burdens.

All of this…and more!… happens through Hosanna’s Home Groups, most of which meet monthly in a host family’s home through fall, winter, and spring. A list of currently-operating home groups can be accessed at the Welcome Center in Hosanna’s foyer or from the PDF file below.

In addition to the groups that meet in homes, Hosanna! offers other specialized small group opportunities,

  • The Questions Group is a safe place to ask hard questions about faith. It meets twice-monthly at the church.
  • Hosanna! also sponsors an occasional group for young adults to explore their spiritual formation.
  • Some ministries, such as the Worship Team and the Helping Hands Ministry, have formed a small group atmosphere by serving together on a regular basis.

If you are not quite sure which group would be a good fit for you, please contact the church office at or 717-626-2560 and we’d be happy to assist you in finding your safe place! We invite you to join us so together we will reflect the heart of God…the heart of love.