For the Christmas season this year, Hosanna! is joining a groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be–a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us.

For more information and free resources, visit We’ve also included some of the available materials below:
- The Advent Conspiracy book shares stories of the global movement and dives deeper into practical ways to Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All. Discussion questions are available with each copy of the book to help individuals and churches plan the kind of Christmas that truly can change the world.

- Family Kit materials – Everything you need to do Advent Conspiracy at home: family guide, prayers, conversation starters, activities and games, Christmas stories, and more.
- Advent devotional booklets – The adult version has 25 daily devotionals to help prepare your heart for Christmas, while the youth version is a four-week plan for students to rediscover Christmas.
- Advent Liturgies – A collection of 50 guided prayers to help lead your heart towards worship throughout the Advent season
- Christmas Conversation Starters – A list of fun, thoughtful conversation starters to use with your friends, family, or small group
- A Scripture Reading List – Daily readings through the Advent season that focus on the meaning of Jesus’ arrival
- Spotify Playlists for both adults and children