October 22, 2017
29 Green Acre Road, Lititz, PA 17543
Join us on Sunday, October 22, following the second service for a KidVenture-sponsored Lunch & Learn. As we all strive to keep our children safe from sexual predators, Hosanna! is committed to being a SafeChurch, seeing ourselves as a sanctuary – where one finds protection, support, guidance, and the presence of God.
This Lunch & Learn is open to the entire congregation and includes training on How Sexual Offenders “Groom” Children: What Every Adult Needs to Know. This workshop – intended for those who want to protect children and teens from sexual harm – provides an overview of the five-step grooming process offenders often use to engage children in a trusting relationship prior to sexually exploiting the child.
We encourage all adults – especially those who who work with children or youth – to attend this Lunch & Learn. If interested, sign up at the Welcome Center.