Children & Youth

Children & Youth Programs

Kidventure (Children – 5th grade)

Kidventure meets every Sunday. Children join their families for worship for the first 15 minutes of our 9:30 worship service, and then are dismissed to their class at 9:45. Its purpose is to support families by providing space, opportunities, and resources for children to encounter Christ, to experience His love, and to be transformed by that experience. We guide kids to find their personal relationship with God, and to develop a deep connection to a faith community. We strive to give them a sense of purpose with their faith by providing opportunities to serve others. Our guiding principles come from Micah 6:8: “You must act with justice. You must love to show mercy. And you must be humble as you live in the sight of your God” (NIrV).

KidVenture also sponsors an annual Vacation Bible Adventure and other special events.

Kelly Kirk-Wentzel, Director of Children’s Ministries

The Calling (Grades 6-12)

The Calling is a group where young people are accepted for who they are, what they believe, and are shown that they are simply loved by God. That profound love of God is the foundation that allows us to create an environment where youth can grow into spiritually mature adults. The goal of this ministry is to be a conduit for God to meet the youth of today and allow the youth to become who God created them to be, with a faith they can develop and call their own.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth (grades 6-12) meet on Sunday mornings from 10-11 am, followed by Sr. High only from 11-12:15 pm. The last Sunday of every month is Movie Matinee. Jr. High Youth (grades 6-8) meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. The last Wednesday of every month is Movie Night. Jr. High also meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month from 10:15 am-11:00 am.

Hosanna’s youth can participate in a variety of fun activities scheduled throughout the year, including a summer service trip for senior highers, in which they can expect to work hard serving those in need.

Jared Kunz, Pastor of Youth Spiritual Formation

SAfe Church Policy

Hosanna was and remains an early and passionate adopter of Safe Community practices that are designed and implemented to foster safe places for children and youth to worship and learn. We take seriously the safety of everyone in our church and in the wider community. 

All volunteers working with children and youth are trained in safe church practices and mandated reporting, have received child abuse clearances from the state, and have committed to keeping the young people in their care as safe as possible. Hosanna ensures that there are always at least two adults present whenever minors are in our building or participating in one of our events. 

We are also available to parents and others to provide wisdom or guidance on the safety of children and adults in a world that feels increasingly unsafe in many ways.