Hosanna!’s Re-gathering Process

Updated July 3, 2020

We have good news! If things go as planned, we will re-open our building for worship on July 12 at 9:30 am. Things will be different, of course, than they were when we last gathered. Out of love and respect for each other, we’ll keep a safe distance and we’ll wear our masks (unless you have a medical or other condition which makes that unworkable for you). Even with these precautions, we’ll get to worship together, hear from God together, pray together, and smile at each other with our eyes. Masks, hand sanitizer, and even gloves will be available for you, if needed. And the way we use the building will be different too. No worries! We’ll give lots of direction and have plenty of signs. Please note that while the youth group is meeting in person, the children’s ministry will continue to meet online for the time being.

More good news! If you’re not comfortable or able to enter the building yet, you’re still included! Our tech team has been busy learning how to livestream our services. So you can join us live online to enjoy what’s happening in real time, even if you’re not physically there. We’ll have the link posted here on the website and our Facebook page.

Even more good news! We’re also going to record the live service and post it later in the day, so you can watch and listen whenever is best for you. You can watch it on YouTube, as we’ve been doing these past several months, and you’ll now even be able to download the message as a podcast. Isn’t that great?

So that’s FOUR ways to come together as our Hosanna! family, and they reflect the very helpful feedback you gave us on the congregational survey we distributed last month. As we said when the pandemic started, each of us needs to make the choices that are best for us in our particular circumstances. There is no one right response. As a grace-filled community of Christian love, we’ll continue to honor everyone. And we’ll continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as time goes on, knowing that God is guiding us in all of this.

Updated June 26, 2020

Beginning July 12, Hosanna!’s worship services will be available THREE ways. On that date we’ll begin live services again (with precautions) for those who wish to attend in person, or you can join us via livestream at home if you prefer. The video of the service will also be available for later viewing. More details will be forthcoming this week!

Updated June 5, 2020

Like nearly every other church and business that has been online during the pandemic, we are making plans to begin gathering in person at Hosanna!. Thanks for the very helpful feedback you provided on the congregational survey we distributed! Our re-gathering plans will be done in stages, following public guidelines and the needs of our congregation. Here’s what we know at this point:

1. Small groups can begin meeting in person again, effective this weekend, provided that appropriate precautions are taken, such as social distancing, masks, and cleaning up afterwards. (Cleaning supplies will be provided for those attending small groups, and members of the group will be expected to follow the simple process which will be provided by the office.) No more than 25 can meet at a time. We’ll need to know if any group is meeting, so we can prepare the building. We’re asking these groups to meet in the fellowship hall or the youth room (in the case of the youth group). Some groups may choose to meet with some in person and some still online. That’s quite okay! 

2. Our Hosanna! offices will be open to the public again, beginning Monday, June 15, with appropriate precautions. The temporary office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM. However, if you’re stopping in to visit us, it’s best if we know that  you’re coming. And we’ll keep appointments one-on-one for now, with appropriate distance or other protective measures. If you do come to the office, we ask that you please wear a mask when entering the building and please do not go elsewhere in the building if at all possible, as we’ll be cleaning and sanitizing regularly all areas that people have been in. Thanks!

3. At some time shortly after Lancaster County moves into the green phase and larger group meetings are permitted, we’ll begin assembling again for Sunday morning worship service for those who wish to be physically present AND we’ll also continue an online presence at the same time. We’re still working on the details of what that will look like and do not yet have a date to announce, but we anticipate that it will not be very distant.

Finally, and most importantly, do what feels safe for you and please respect what is safe for others. We’ll have some guidelines posted and communicated for how we can best do that when we do come together, and we’ll be setting up our rooms to encourage both distance and relationship. But also please honor those who might feel differently than you do about all this. Our theme this year is “Honor Everyone, ” so here’s a good opportunity for us to practice it! We’ll move through this together, with grace for each other, with the wisdom of our good God, and with peace in the oneness we share wherever we are. 

Jo Ann and Tony