A Sacrament of Thanksgiving

A Sacrament of Thanksgiving

We know what it means to be thankful but sometimes we forget to reflect upon all of the reasons we have to be grateful.  This week’s service, based around “A Thanksgiving Prayer” by Howard Thurman, will help guide us as we give thanks to God for all of the...
Honoring All: Saved

Honoring All: Saved

God honors all sinners so much that he invites them into the greater honor of his salvation… which is greater, deeper, and longer than we have...
Honoring All: Saved

Honoring All Sinners

Saints aren’t the only people that God honors. Surprisingly, to many people, God also honors sinners! Here’s...
Honoring All: Saved

Honoring All “Saints”

Today is All Saints Day!… the day where “All Hallowed Eve” (Halloween) got its original holy origins. Today in a unique service we will honor all the saints! And since “all” means all, that includes you! If you’re listening at home...
Hosanna! at the Movies: Abominable

Hosanna! at the Movies: Abominable

Have you ever felt the isolating lostness of loss? Ever feel like you will never find your way home again? You are not alone. This week’s movie invites us on the journey of three teenagers and a young Yeti… each grieving their own losses… each longing for the comfort...
Hosanna! at the Movies: Superman: The Movie

Hosanna! at the Movies: Superman: The Movie

Sometimes we need help from outside of ourselves to save us from ourselves. Sometimes that help wears a red cape. And sometimes it carries a cross. Please note: Due to copyright reasons, we are not permitted to broadcast movie clips during the service. There will be a...