Hosanna! at the Movies: Onward

Hosanna! at the Movies: Onward

“Long ago, the world was full of wonder. It was adventurous, exciting, and best of all… there was magic.… Over time, the magic faded away. But I hope there’s a little magic left in you.” So begins this week’s movie which, in our current epidemic of disenchantment, is...
Hosanna! at the Movies: Unbreakable

Hosanna! at the Movies: Unbreakable

Are you made of glass or steel? Are you breakable, perhaps even broken? The hidden grace in this movie will help us see the grace to honor and heal the broken pieces in each of our lives. Today we also had the pleasure of baptizing two of our members. Please join us...
Honor Everyone… and That Means YOU!

Honor Everyone… and That Means YOU!

What good is it to honor everyone else and still dishonor ourselves? Be encouraged by the goodness of God with today’s invitation to honor ourselves like God does!… especially when the world is in great need of change. Join...
Communion of the Saints: International

Communion of the Saints: International

Today we share “the communion of saints” across the miles… in both senses of that phrase. Prepare to partake of the communion elements, if you can, but also prepare to commune with saints who are the hands and feet of Christ elsewhere in the...
How to Have a Conversation (About Difficult Things)

How to Have a Conversation (About Difficult Things)

Want some encouragements on how to have conversations about difficult things (or with difficult people)? Enjoy this heartfelt, humorous, but deeply significant worship service! The video clip referenced at the beginning of the message can be found below. Additional...
Unseen Realities: Q & A (Un)Cafe

Unseen Realities: Q & A (Un)Cafe

Today’s service includes a Q&A/Sharing Time about God’s unseen realities. This time around you’ll need to provide your own café. 🙂 The live chat will be available during this morning’s service, so be sure to visit us directly from our YouTube...